In part one of this series, we discussed how saying “NO” is the world’s best, fastest and easiest productivity strategy…primarily because it simplifies.
You will succeed on the basis of what, where and how you say “NO”. And learning to say “NO” with conviction allows you to take immediate control of your environment, and will prove to be the key strategy for helping you to finish the year strong.
Lest you need reminding…the fourth quarter is rapidly approaching…and you must begin focusing on your Q4 action plan for finishing the year strong.
The following are fifteen simple, effective and highly empowering strategies that you can use to drive results and unleash a performance explosion.
1. What strategies, initiatives and activities will you say “NO” to?
There is great feeling, focus, empowerment, and impact when everyone agrees on paper the activities that will not be done.
Pull out a piece of paper and list all superfluous activities that can slow down, or prevent progress from happening altogether. Everything is fair game and absolutely nothing is sacred in this exercise. Simply put, if it does not advance you forward, then say “NO!”
2. What meetings will you decline or delegate?
List every meeting you have in place for the remainder of the year and determine which you will NOT be attending. Meetings consume large chunks of productive time, most are run improperly and inefficiently, and most can be declined or delegated to someone else.
3. What relationships will you not keep?
The way you manage your relationships has an enormous impact on your ability to perform at consistently high levels.
Identify the top three energy-draining relationships, that you are committed to saying “NO” to for the next 100 days…then focus on creating strategies to free yourself from each of them.
4. What measurements will you ignore?
Say goodbye to all lagging indicators and ONLY pay attention to measurements related to customer satisfaction and the levers that directly drive sales, margin, operating expense and ROI.
5. What customers will you not target?
Identify your IDEAL prospect, client or customer and quit chasing every opportunity as it’s a complete waste of time and resources. Once identified, you must then articulate who you will NOT target.
Finally, make decisions on segments of your customers that deserve “VIP” treatment.
6. What competitors will you not follow?
Way too much time is lost by following and focusing on too many competitors, guru’s and shiny new objects. Identify the top three and immediately remove yourself from all email distribution lists, blogs and other related communications.
7. What websites will you not visit?
Web sites are like magnets and vampires, as they draw you in and suck away productive time. Pull up your list of favorites, delete most of them and keep only the ones of greatest value. You must institute a “No Surfing” policy and stick to it.
8. What money will you not spend?
Put yourself on a fiscal diet as every dollar spent should be thought of as an investment towards greater operating income - even petty cash. With this in mind, what things, or even entire budget categories, will you not spend?
9. What trips will you not make?
It’s hard to deny the power of ‘showing up’ in person as great things happen when you show up and interact with customers and colleagues. Nonetheless, trips consume massive amounts of time, attention and money.
Therefore, consider how you can use technology to replace trips, and only travel when it can make a big impact towards your primary goals.
10. What foods will you not eat?
Reaching the next level of performance and productivity begins with how you manage energy. It’s disturbing to see the immense amount of human and corporate potential squandered due to the misuse of energy.
Unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, negativity, sarcasm, unfocused goals and strategies are all contributing factors to energy loss.
Focus in on your nutritional intake and exercise by eliminating any food, or drink that compromises your energy levels.
11. What excuses will you not engage in?
Excuses drain energy, time, production and profits. Have a brutally honest conversation with yourself and determine the excuses or behaviors that you must do away with.
I’m aware that it’s easier said than done, but you will NOT be able to achieve your true potential nor finish the year strong by fighting for and repeating counter-productive behavior.
12. What will you not say?
Develop the habit of saying NOTHING that does not move the ‘agenda’ forward or uplift others. Speak ONLY of the solution, and waste not a second on the problem or blame.
You will save a lot of time and mental energy which can be directed towards more useful activities.
13. What thoughts will you not entertain?
Remember that which does not move you towards your goal, takes you away from it.
Therefore, remove those thoughts that are limiting, defeating or downright negative and consciously choose to replace them with thoughts of abundance, optimism, and positivity.
Don’t tolerate negative thoughts or conversations from yourself or others for the simple reason that what you tolerate you endorse…and that what you put up with, you end up with.
14. What television shows will you not view?
If there was ever a time hog that needed to be slaughtered, television tops the list. In even a moderate TV-watching household, it’s simply amazing how many hours are spent in front of the box. The solution - go cold turkey!
15. What will you no longer tolerate from yourself or others?
Saying “NO” and meaning it is the easiest word for setting a limit, holding firm to boundaries, and being clear about what you will or will not do.
Identify the standards you wish to measure your life by and refuse to lower or negotiate at any time, nor for any reason as saying “NO” is a tool of liberation and empowerment that you must use with absolutely authority.
I’m going to take the liberty of being blunt right now…learning to say “NO” is the most strategically important decision you can make if you really want to finish the year strong.
Because the 4th and final quarter of the year is rapidly approaching…and time is running out for you to hit your sales quota, to close any gaps in your performance, to redeem yourself…and to finish what you started at the beginning of the year.
Let’s now focus on what you should say “YES” to.
Say hello to the 100 Day Challenge, an online hardcore goal achievement and performance acceleration program designed to help you drive radical results fast and finish the year strong.
Whether your goals have to do with increasing sales and profits, becoming debt free, getting in great shape, or gaining market share…the 100 Day Challenge will help to achieve any goal you want faster and easier than you ever thought possible.
And that’s what you really want isn’t it?
MOST of us have two lives: the lives we live, and the lives we are capable of living.
It’s the latter that intrigues me. It’s the life, I believe that we all deeply desire.
It’s the life we know exists somewhere deep inside us that we wish we could actualize.
This life isn’t driven by the you who settles, or who gives into procrastination, doubt and fear, but by the optimal you, the best you, the capable you, the healthy you. The you who shows up with your best stuff, making big things happen, making a difference in the world, living a life of significance.
The 100 Day Challenge is a rapid execution system used by more than 675,000 high-achievers to achieve life-changing results in 100 days. Don’t do it unless you want spectacular results.
The strategies you’ll learn in the 100 Day Challenge have elected a president, grown non-profit causes, won gold medals and fueled movements. Now it’s your turn to win bigger faster!