HAVE YOU EVER heard yourself saying yes to the wrong things… never-ending requests of your time, bad relationships, energy draining obligations…and wished you could summon the power to turn them down?
Because if you have, you’re about to learn the world’s best execution strategy for simplifying your life, taking control of your environment, and finishing the year strong.
Learning to master this one strategy is both important and time-sensitive…
We’re all staring down the barrel of the same reality — the clock is ticking and no matter how you look at it…you must begin focusing on your fourth quarter (Q4) action plan for finishing the year strong.
But, before I spill the beans and share the strategy with you, let’s have a look at the effectiveness of your current strategies, and your year-to-date results.
Right now, based on the goals you set at the start of the year…you have:
1. Exceeded your expectations of what you thought you could achieve.
2. Met expectations of what you set out to accomplish.
3. Fallen below your desired expectations of what you wanted to accomplish.
Unfortunately, for far too many people and organizations…there exists a widening gap between the goals they set at the beginning of the year, and the results they’ve actually achieved.
The GOOD NEWS is that regardless of the position you’re now in, I assure you…that you can finish the year strong…however you must do a few things that you may find to be a bit uncomfortable and rather inconvenient, however that’s a small price to pay for a strong and rewarding year end finish.
So what specifically can you do to ensure that you finish the year strong? Work harder? Longer?
C’mon…you don’t stand a chance of succeeding with that strategy, yet that is exactly what the majority of people and organizations will do.
Why not do something entirely different, why not focus on saying NO!
Consisting of two letters and one syllable, the word “No” can be considered to be one of the most powerful words in your vocabulary.
It’s the easiest word for setting a limit, holding firm to boundaries, and being clear about what you will or will not do. It is a word of pure power that is both inner and out directed.
You’ll be a lot more productive and finish the year strong once you recognize that:
1. “No” is not a dirty word, negative word, nor is it a selfish word. Learning to say “No” is liberating as it frees up your time to focus on your key priorities.
2. You are in complete control of how you spend your time and your life. Saying “No” allows you more time and energy to pursue your goals and wildest ambitions.
3. Saying, “No,” increases the value of the things you say, “Yes” to.
Your success in finishing the year strong requires a short “Yes” list, and a long “No” list.
You must consciously say “YES” to the right things, which is a VERY short list and not be overwhelmed, overworked and generally stressed out. AND, you have to say “NO” to a long list of other things.
NOW, I’m well aware that saying “NO” can be awkward, guilt inducing, nerve racking, embarrassing, even risky to friendship and career.
However, if you’re seriously committed to transforming your results and finishing the year strong, you must be willing to give “NO” the respect and strategic resolve it deserves.
The fact is…learning how, when and why to say “NO” is a life saver for the simple reason that a well-placed “NO” will not only save you time, it focuses your energy which in turn dramatically improves the quality of your life, and overall well-being.
You have the right and responsibility to say “NO” to anything that is hurting you. To anything not in alignment with your values. To the standards that no longer serve you. To the people who drain you of your creativity and peace of mind. To the beliefs that are not true to the real you.
It’s no coincidence that you are reading or listening to this message…as RIGHT NOW is the perfect time to assess your goals, evaluate your use of time, rearrange your priorities, and decide what you need to change and what you need to say NO to in order to maximize your results and finish the year strong.
In part two, I’ll share FIFTEEN simple, effective and highly empowering strategies that you can use to drive results and to guarantee that you finish the year strong!
The 100 Day Challenge is a rapid execution system used by more than 675,000 high-achievers to achieve life-changing results in 100 days. Don’t do it unless you want spectacular results.
The strategies you’ll learn in the 100 Day Challenge have elected a president, grown non-profit causes, won gold medals and fueled movements. Now it’s your turn to win bigger faster!