Are You Ready to Finish What You Started?

"One way or the other you’re going to finish the, why not finish strong and make yourself immensely proud of your performance rather than embarrassed by your lack of it."

Amat Victoria Curam is Latin for “Victory Loves Preparation”.

It’s a phrase we should all keep in mind before starting anything new.

Amat Victoria Curam is Latin for “Victory Loves Preparation”.

It’s a phrase we should all keep in mind before starting anything new.

For example…

• The best time to study for a test is…before it takes place.

• The best time to keep a customer is…before she walks out the door.

• The best time to campaign is…before the election.

• The best time to plan for the 4th quarter is…before it begins.

What big moves…what great adventures are you preparing yourself for?

Remember the 5P’s…Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

Success in any endeavor is not about luck…it requires diligent practice, careful study and smart strategy.

"You don’t need new goals to finish the year strong…you need commitment and relentless execution to your existing ones."

I created the following resources to prepare you for the fourth quarter (Q4) and to ensure that you finish the year strong…

1. Five Questions That Will Determine Your 4th Quarter Goals

2. The Finish Strong Checklist – Seven Must Do’s

3. How to Accelerate Your Q4 Growth by 1000%

Before the fourth quarter arrives…review these resources, discuss and share them with your associates and most importantly…implement the ideas.


Amat Victoria Curam…

Victory Loves Preparation!

The 100 Day Challenge is a rapid execution system used by more than 675,000 high-achievers to achieve life-changing results in 100 days. Don’t do it unless you want spectacular results.

The strategies you’ll learn in the 100 Day Challenge have elected a president, grown non-profit causes, won gold medals and fueled movements. Now it’s your turn to win bigger faster!