— Seneca, Roman Philosopher
Jules Leotard, the son of a gymnasium owner was a novice acrobat when he hit upon a brilliant idea…
How about, instead of doing his routine on fixed bars, he did it on bars that swung high in the air?
After much practice and preparation the big day arrived…and, on November 12, 1859 Jules Leotard, at the tender age of twenty-one, made his public debut at the Cirque-Napoleon in Paris, and in a single performance created a new art form that was seen as both exciting and daring.
Jules Leotard quickly became an international sensation and was the inspiration for the song…The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze.
While you may not find yourself walking a high wire, or flying through the air without a net…
I assure you with as much conviction as I can muster that YOU do have the opportunity to DARE MIGHTY THINGS…and it’s the purpose of this message to get you to dream bigger…to dare greatly…and to get far outside your comfort zone.
There is no purer form of success, no more exact and demanding test of what you are capable of, then to DARE MIGHTY THINGS…something so far outside your comfort zone, and find joy in the capacity to achieve it.
While we all have different goals and aspirations, we all love and benefit from doing something BIG, BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL — something that inspires us to reach the peak of our potential, jailbreaks us from our comfort zone, and transforms us into a better, far more capable version of ourselves.
The ultimate reason for DARING MIGHTY THINGS is to entice you to become the person it takes to actually deliver on your mighty dare.
As you are about to find out…who you become, as well as the traits and skill sets you develop in DARING MIGHTY THINGS, are much more important than the nature of the dare itself.
1. You Develop Mental Toughness
It’s actually pretty simple. You either rise to meet the mental demands and physical rigors of DARING MIGHTY THINGS, or you succumb to them.
The very nature of DARING MIGHTY THINGS sets an appropriate stage for practicing mental toughness, which by definition means a psychological edge that enables one to remain focused and confident during high-pressure situations to perform at one’s full potential.
You will not allow yourself to be conquered, vanquished or overcome.
You will pursue your mighty dare with the belief and internal constitution that impossible is nothing and that you will enjoy victory against all odds.
In the words of Muhammad Ali…“Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare.”
2. You Confront and Conquer Fear
The very act of DARING MIGHTY THINGS is unique in that it immediately engages the fight-or-flight mechanism, and you never know how you are going to react until you are faced with the fear.
If I fear it, I must do it…must become your battle cry as fear is never a reason for quitting…fear is only a sad and pathetic excuse for those unwilling to face their doubts, insecurities, and mental boogie man.
Therefore, your first duty in DARING MIGHTY THINGS is to conquer fear and the mental resistance it brings along with it. Get rid of it quickly, or get steamrolled by it.
3. You Become More Courageous
Courage is the greatest resource you have when DARING MIGHTY THINGS. What good is a worthy ideal or a big, ambitious goal if there is no willingness to overcome fear, mental and physical resistance, adversity, or self-doubt?
The conceptual opposite of courage is cowardice. We are therefore confronted with the reality that we either habitually practice courage, or we habitually practice cowardice.
I promise you that DARING MIGHTY THINGS can and will alter the whole conception of what is possible in your life.
4. You Get to Test Your Limits
It is imperative that you accept this reality: when you DARE MIGHTY THINGS, you will never be the same again. You either cope or crumble. You become better or bitter. You emerge stronger or weaker.
It has to be this way, as a big, mighty, challenging goal exists to tests your limits, to push you beyond the breaking point, and to separate you from the herd.
You’ll never know the full measure of your potential until you are tested. You can never be sure whether you’ll step up or falter in any given situation.
Passing the tests presented by DARING MIGHTY THINGS proves that you are tougher, more resilient, and far more capable than you ever imagined.
5. You Intensify Your Focus
A worthy dare is like a great romance. It calls for your passion and your devotion, and it demands to be the center of your attention.
DARING MIGHTY THINGS is a form of intense seduction. It means concentrating your energy and resources on what’s most important: keeping the fire burning!
You do that by making everything count. Everything you think, say, and do must be focused on your mighty goal and on leveraging all available resources.
Focus is best seen as a preemptive strike against mediocrity.
The moment you DARE MIGHTY THINGS, your mighty goal becomes a magnet that pulls you and your resources toward it.
The more focused your energies, the more power you generate, and the sooner you will live happily ever after.
6. You Build Supreme Self-Confidence
Think of a mighty dare — any kind of big, challenging goal.
Ask yourself…what role does self-confidence play in DARING MIGHTY THINGS?
The fact is that no mountains can be climbed, no hearts won, no opportunities seized, no books written, no elections won, and no victories enjoyed without self-confidence.
Now think of something you fear — anything that makes you flinch. Ask yourself, what role does self-confidence play in overcoming fear?
Fear is the greatest enemy you will ever face. It impedes your ability to succeed physically, emotional, spiritually, and financially. Fear negatively impacts everything you want to be, do, and have.
The inspired ability to DARE MIGHTY THINGS and climb great heights is directly attributable to your self-confidence. As your challenges build, so does your self-confidence.
7. You Turn Pro
Few things in life are capable of radically altering your perspective, but developing the capacity to DARE MIGHTY THINGS not only impacts the size of your results, it transforms your mind and expands your worldview.
It changes everything. The way you walk, talk, and communicate all exude a level of self-confidence and self-assuredness that’s impossible not to notice.
DARING MIGHTY THINGS involves psychological trauma that induces fear, self-doubt, and insecurity, while simultaneously dislodging you from your comfort zone, ultimately bringing about a superior performance.
By DARING MIGHTY THINGS, you are pushing yourself beyond any previously imagined comfort zone and performance standard.
You will be expected to pass tests which tempt you to quit. And you will be required to pay the high price that success demands while entering new psychological waters.
By DARING MIGHTY THINGS, you provide yourself with undeniable proof that you have what it takes to become one of the great ones.
“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.” — Theodore Roosevelt, Strenuous Life
This proof cements in your mind that you are the type of person capable of performing great acts, and that you really can do anything you set your mind to.
That’s why your challenge is to begin building your list of BIG MIGHTY GOALS.
You will never be greater than the vision that guides you, and in order to DO SOMETHING BIG, BOLD and BEAUTIFUL …you must begin planting seeds of massive abundance today.
And…allow that beautiful mind of yours to dream and fantasize…to plot and strategize…all that you are going to enjoy and realize.
You got this!
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