Here we are, knocking on the door of a New Year…and if you’re looking for some inspiration and resolutions to focus on…if you’re really determined to make this the best year of your life, than you’re going to want to reflect and take stock of what’s transpired.
Let’s get started by focusing on four hard, messy, difficult, useful questions to sit with and reflect upon as this year draws to an end.
(Bonus: Read this new year resolution manifesto from me.)
1. What do I need to purge from my life?
Because I’m nice…I’m starting with an easy transition question for you, letting you in gently before I drop the hammer. This is a question for all of us who are overwhelmed, overcommitted and especially for those who are overweight.
If your New Year Resolution involves getting you healthy, both physically and mentally…you must begin by focusing on purging the people, places and things that negatively impact your life…that derail progress…that compromise your character in any way.
This is important because for you to operate at the peak of your potential you must achieve a state of moral, spiritual and physical renewal and complete liberation from negative influences.
So, what are the non-negotiables…the people, places and things that are not permitted, that must be intentionally purged for the betterment of yourself, clients, community and your overall peace of mind?
That’s an excellent place to start focusing on your New Year Resolutions.
2. Where do I experience the greatest fear and resistance?
Your greatest competitor…the greatest opposition force that stands between you and your goals…the thing that keeps you in your comfort and which prevents you from unleashing your greatness is RESISTANCE.
Resistance prevents writers from writing, painters from painting, runners from running, and coaches from coaching.
Resistance will always…
…work to undermine you and crush your belief in yourself.
…call for and demands your resignation letter.
…ruthlessly attempt to extract a pound of flesh.
…goad and prod you into quitting.
What scares you…what fear keeps you up late at night…what resistance force must you confront and overcome in order to make this a breakthrough year for you?
That’s another great source of fuel for your New Year Resolutions.
3. How did I let myself down?
I know this question feels like putting a kick me sign on your back. But heck, you’re here now. So why not confront this beast of a question straight up and get to the root of the problem.
Allow me to prompt you …
Promises broken.
Standards compromised.
Opportunities avoided.
People betrayed.
Values downplayed.
The greatest and most unfortunate betrayal is that of oneself. Being able to adhere to our commitments begins with self-respect. When we say one thing and do another—when we start projects but don’t finish them; when we go on a diet but quit soon after beginning— then the only thing at which we become successful is sabotaging our reputation with ourselves.
Allow yourself to get angry, sad and gentle with yourself. Set a New Year Resolution to redeem yourself…to right some wrongs as this provides fertile ground for self-improvement and personal growth.
4. Where am I headed?
You begin the New Year in just a few days and if you want to make it the best year of your life…implement this little trick that Scorsese, Spielberg and Disney use when creating a movie.
Work backwards. Begin at the finish. Know how you want it to end. Solve the climax first. Figure out where you want to go; then work backwards from there.
I encourage you to spend the next few days writing the screenplay for what’s about to take place. Know how you want the year to end.
You get to write, direct and star in your own movie. It’s your life, therefore it’s your responsibility to solve the climax first.
Set a New Year Resolution to become the hero of your story. Focus on turning your life into an action movie.
Create a plot (big challenging goals) dripping with excitement, boldness, audacity, courage, big thinking, great challenges and massive accomplishments.
It’s only when you become your own hero, when you can stand on your own two feet, when you confront fear and overcome obstacles…and save yourself that are you complete, prepared and ready to unleash your greatness.
By anyone’s measure…that’s one heck of a New Year Resolution.
Hard questions. Interesting answers.
Hold these questions not as an opportunity to beat yourself up, but as a chance to uncover the goals and resolutions you need to focus on in the New Year.
One last point…find a friend, find a good place to have a conversation, and say your answers out loud to them. (Get them to return the favor.)
Have a lovely end of the year and always remember…
Everything Counts!
Gary Ryan Blair
Gary Ryan Blair is the inspiration behind the 100 DAY CHALLENGE…the world’s most powerful goal achievement program designed to show you how to turn your New Year’s Resolutions into reality faster and easier than you ever imagined possible.
Get this powerful Manifesto titled: START RIGHT…Your Plan for the First 100 Days of the Year.
Gary can be reached for all media requests at 877-462-5748 or by sending an email request.
Posted on November 11th, 2017 by Gary Ryan Blair
You're just 100 days from transforming your life... from crushing your goals... getting in great shape... becoming debt free... skyrocketing your sales and income and achieving ANY goal you want in record time.