New year, new you…or at least that’s what we say every 365 days.
Come January, a fresh calendar is the opportunity to reshape old habits and take on some new challenges.
However, as you work towards turning your resolutions into reality…be mindful that the most challenging part of ACHIEVING a goal or resolution is …
Overcoming Resistance.
Resistance prevents writers from writing, painters from painting, runners from running, and coaches from coaching.
I know of no enemy, competition or opposition force more insidious or vicious than resistance.
That’s why it’s in the private interest of each individual and corporation to protect against resistance…
For the simple reason that the costs and consequences of resistance are difficult for any of us to ignore.
Resistance will always…
…work to undermine you and crush your belief in yourself.
…call for and demands your resignation letter.
…ruthlessly attempt to extract a pound of flesh.
…goad and prod you into quitting.
But success always hangs in the balance.
The fact is resistance is unworthy of your companionship…
It’s an unwanted visitor that must be dealt with.
Resistance is unique in that it immediately engages the fight-or-flight mechanism…
And you never know how you are going to react until you are confronted with it.
Resistance is never a reason for quitting, hesitating or second guessing yourself.
It’s only an excuse for those unwilling to face their doubts, insecurities, and mental boogie man.
Which means…if you’re ever going to achieve your New Year Resolutions, and make this the best year of your life…
You must decide that what you want is BIGGER and far more important than the resistance which prevents you from achieving it.
Remember, resistance is a choice…so is action, persistence and focus.
Therefore, you must choose to put resistance behind you — to stare it in the eye…
To walk straight through it and advance toward your goals with confidence, conviction, and certainty.
I know you can…the real question is will you!
The 100 Day Challenge is a rapid execution system used by more than 675,000 high-achievers to achieve life-changing results in 100 days. Don’t do it unless you want spectacular results.
The strategies you’ll learn in the 100 Day Challenge have elected a president, grown non-profit causes, won gold medals and fueled movements. Now it’s your turn to win bigger faster!