— Gary Ryan Blair
To understand what it takes to finish strong, we’ll start with a few questions…
What if every time you put your mind to something, you actually got it done?
What if you took things step by step — not focusing on anything but what was right in front of you and on doing it to completion?
I’m talking no false starts…no stopping mid-way through…no losing your way and no veering off track.
You just finished what you started — no questions asked.
Today, I’ll show you how to finish strong and give yourself the gift of done.
Have you ever wondered how successful people get so much accomplished?
When they say, “I’m going to…” run a marathon, write a book, lose weight, etc., you know they’ll actually do it.
But when you set the same goals, you’re not so sure. Maybe you will do it. Maybe you won’t.
Each time you try, it’s a drama fueled emotional roller coaster of emotions.
You start off Gung Ho…you then hit a roadblock or temptation…you lose motivation… your self-confidence takes another hit…and then as if on autopilot…you go to work beating yourself up for not finishing what you started.
This self-defeating process repeats itself over and over and over again, and only succeeds in undermining self-esteem, creating fear and planting seeds of doubt thus making it harder and harder to get back in the saddle.
It’s disheartening and soul crushing. Worst of all, you’re not doing the things you really want to accomplish, and you’re wasting a lot of time, talent and potential.
Here’s the truth…
YOU’RE MORE THAN CAPABLE of finishing everything you start…achieving every goal you set…and turning your dreams into reality.
But if you really want to change your life and accomplish the goals you set…you need to purge a few things to include false assumptions and faulty strategies…self-limiting beliefs that undermine your progress, and the comfort zone that holds you back from unleashing your greatness.
And you need to replace them with a better strategy for getting things done. A proven system that helps you stick to — and finish — everything you start.
In the chaos of life and business, a proven system provides a way. A way to turn a complex project or challenging goal into something simple. Not that simple is easy.
But it is easier.
Allow me to explain…
Let’s say you’ve got yourself an ambitious goal or a beast of project. Here’s what you don’t do…DON’T focus on the big outcome…it will overwhelm and intimidate you.
Instead do this…divide the ultimate outcome into smaller pieces and conquer each step.
Simply do what you need to do right now with excellence and bring this one task to a finish. And then move on to the next task or step. Follow the finish what you start process and let the big prize take care of itself.
The road to being a successful entrepreneur, surgeon, mechanic, salesperson, teacher or coach is just that, a road. And you travel along a road in steps or what some may call mile markers.
Victory is achieved in a matter of steps…one mile marker at a time. Excel at this present one, then that one and then the one after that.
Whatever you’re called on to do — embrace the task at hand…take it one step at a time and do not get distracted by anything else. Act with excellence…and stop only when you bring the task to a finish. Repeat.
Since you’re only as good as your system allows…the best execution system places a premium on the discipline of finishing, on giving yourself the gift of done.
• Finishing homework.
• Finishing workouts.
• Finishing phone calls.
• Finishing sales calls.
• Finishing cleaning.
• Finishing meetings.
• Finishing writing.
• Finishing conversations.
• Finishing negotiations.
• Finishing the smallest task you have in front of you and finishing it well.
Whether it’s pursuing a big challenging goal…or simply surviving some tragic or trying ordeal, the same approach works.
It works every time!
Don’t think about the end — think about finishing small steps, mile markers.
Focus on getting things done right from meeting to meeting, project to project, task to task, step to step…EVERYDAY.
And when you dial it in and really get it right, even the most challenging activity becomes manageable and non-intimidating.
That’s what the finish what you start process is all about. Under its influence, we needn’t panic. Even mammoth tasks become just a series of small component parts which all need to be brought to a finish.
The finish what you start process applies to all goals, all projects, all problems and all opportunities…no matter the size.
Trust the process as I’ve laid out for you…stick to the task at hand. Focusing on what’s immediately in front of you. No strain, no squirming, no struggling.
Be patient and stay relaxed. Just engage in one simple movement after another. Finish every small task you start, and you’ll soon capture the prize you desire.
That’s the power of process, and that’s why I stated earlier…
When it comes to our actions, disorder and distraction are the kiss of death.
The unordered and undisciplined mind loses track of what’s in front of it — what matters — and gets easily distracted, overwhelmed and intimidated by challenging goals and complex projects.
The finish what you start process provides order and certainty in times of disorder and uncertainty. It keeps your perceptions in check, your actions in sync and your confidence level high.
It seems obvious, take things one step at a time, bring each task to a successful finish…but we forget this when it matters most.
We far too often shy away from ambitious goals or projects like learning a new language, writing a book or starting a business even though it’s our dream because it’s so much work — we allow ourselves to get overwhelmed and can’t imagine how we get from here to there.
How often do we compromise, settle for less or even throw in the towel because we feel that the real solution is just too big or outside of our capabilities?
How often do we assume that change is impossible because it seems too ambitious…OR that it involves too many different groups with conflicting agendas and far too many personalities?
Or worse, how many people are paralyzed by all their ideas and inspirations? They chase them all and like a hamster in a wheel…they go nowhere and only succeed in distracting themselves and never making any real progress.
The good news (and it’s extremely good news) is that all these issues quickly collapse beneath the power of the finish what you start process.
I’ll wrap this up with a life-changing proposition…
It’s no longer “if” but “when” it will be achieved.
Divide the goal into bite-sized morsels and conquer each step. Focus only on the task at hand, the one that says come and get me.
Execute with certainty and conviction by finishing everything you start — and follow its thread into the next action.
By doing so, you’ll give yourself the gift that keeps on giving…
The 100 Day Challenge is a rapid execution system used by more than 675,000 high-achievers to achieve life-changing results in 100 days. Don’t do it unless you want spectacular results.
The strategies you’ll learn in the 100 Day Challenge have elected a president, grown non-profit causes, won gold medals and fueled movements. Now it’s your turn to win bigger faster!