Here’s a not so subtle but crucial point for you to keep in mind as you begin the New Year…
Start with big goals, bold strokes, and courageous acts.
Swing for the fences, set a solid pace, and move the needle quickly and demonstratively.
Your opening moves should be strong enough to overcome inertia, powerful enough to give you a surge of momentum and exciting enough to unleash one bold move after another.
Bold, audacious action energizes a person.
It’s like the initial thrust a rocket needs to overcome the pull of gravity and to experience escape velocity.
Courageous moves propel you north in the direction of your dreams, enabling you to make rapid progress on whatever it is you want to be, do or have.
Give these next few questions the time and attention they deserve…
• When will your finest hour come, and how will it arrive?
• When will your talents fully be realized and your greatness put on display?
• Do you really think anything of significance will materialize in your life without acts of boldness, courage, and audacity?
There’s no inherent value in playing a small game nor in starting the year slow or soft.
So, what bold initiatives are you planning for this year?
How are you going to make an early and impressive dent in this New Year?
Let’s face it…new habits are not easy to acquire, and old habits are notoriously hard to break.
That’s why you want to come out of the gate fast and focused, and hit the ground running hard.
Bold, audacious action produces a sense of urgency, an air of drama and flamboyance along with the level of commitment you’ll need for quantum leap type growth.
Going big and swinging for the fences early in the year is a powerful demonstration of confidence in your capabilities.
Yes, you’ll be gambling a bigger amount from the very outset. And in my book, that’s a good thing.
Putting your neck on the line goes a long way toward keeping you in the game and fully committed to your goals.
Why? Because there’s more on the line which means you’re less likely to call it quits when the going gets tough.
If you open the New Year boldly and aggressively…you tip the scales in your favor.
You intentionally back yourself into a corner which requires bold, courageous acts to get out of.
By doing so, you are putting yourself in a position where the only option is for you to get into the arena and rise to the occasion.
Trust me on this one…you really do want to go big and start the year with a few big wins.
Do not stand on the sidelines. Do not wait for permission. Do not second guess yourself.
The New Year is getting underway, and it’s time for you to get in the ring and compete life your life and future depended upon it.
It’s time for you to take your destiny into your own fists and show the world how great you really are.
I stand in awe of anyone who sets their eyes on a big dream, has the chops to hang tough no matter the price, and who by digging deep…gets it across the finish line.
The 100 Day Challenge is a rapid execution system used by more than 675,000 high-achievers to achieve life-changing results in 100 days. Don’t do it unless you want spectacular results.
The strategies you’ll learn in the 100 Day Challenge have elected a president, grown non-profit causes, won gold medals and fueled movements. Now it’s your turn to win bigger faster!