The thing about endings is that they make you think of new beginnings.
So at the end of the year…it’s only natural to find yourself evaluating your life and planning for changes and new experiences in the new year.
The most important factor to keep in mind no matter what this period of reflection and prediction means for you is to…“START SAYING NO.”
Let’s unpack that. Shall we?
What transformation would take place in your life if…
• You changed how you define success in the new year?
• You defined success by what you DON’T have to do anymore?
• You didn’t have to work with people you don’t like?
• You never had to deal with high-maintenance customers ever again?
• You never had to deal with Twitter, Facebook, X or Instagram another day of your life?
Does this sound like a fairy tale?
I thought so, too, until 12 years ago.
That’s when I decided to re-engineer my life and my business based on everything I never wanted to do again.
Guess what happened?
It fundamentally changed my life.
In this message…my aim is to get you to use this brief period before the new year begins to build your “NO, NO LIST”.
By doing so…
You’ll dramatically improve your quality of life, enhance your peace of mind, and best of all…you’ll liberate yourself from unnecessary burden.
If that idea sounds appealing…you’re going to love what follows.
It turns out that making a list of things we don’t want to ever do is actually much easier than a list of things we are trying to accomplish.
That’s because “SAYING NO” is immediate.
It is quite literally, the shortest distance between point A and point B.
Once you start “SAYING NO” to all the stuff you really dread…it’s shocking how incredibly powerful this strategy can be.
• I said “no” to missing time with my family or kids events.
• I said “no” to having to speak on weekends and only took gigs that took place during the week.
• I said “no” to spending time on social media feeds and focused my time on building a business run largely by referrals and continuity income.
• I said “no” to clients and suppliers who did not honor deadlines and who were not committed to excellence.
You have the right and responsibility to start “SAYING NO” to anything that is hurting you.
To anything not in alignment with your values.
To the standards that no longer serve you.
To the people who drain you of your creativity and peace of mind.
To the beliefs that are not true to the real you.
You’ll be happier and much more productive once you recognize these three things …
1. “No” is not a dirty, negative word, nor is it a selfish word.
Learning to say “SAY NO” is liberating because it frees up your time to focus on your highest priorities and core values.
2. You’re in complete control of how you spend your time and your life.
Saying “No” allows you more time and energy to pursue your goals and wildest ambitions.
3. Saying, “No,” increases the value of the things you say, “Yes” to.
Life changed for me once I woke up to the reality that my success and quality of life was dependent upon my ability to keep my “Yes” list short…and my “No” list long.
And I promise that your life will change as well once you enforce this discipline.
You must live deliberately by “SAYING YES” to the right people…the right habits …the right attitudes…the right time commitments…all the right things that serve to advance you in the direction of your goals.
You have to “SAY NO” to a long list of other things that take you away from your goals in the New Year.
My challenge to you is to use these next few days to redefine success by what you DON’T have to do anymore.
Take out a piece of paper — start creating your “No No List” of all the people, places and things that you are saying adios to.
Resolve to give “NO” the strategic influence it deserves for the simple reason that it produces IMMEDIATE RESULTS.
And the payoff of never having to do anything you don’t want to do — is priceless.
What a glorious way to begin the New Year…and the rest of your life for that matter.
The 100 Day Challenge is a rapid execution system used by more than 675,000 high-achievers to achieve life-changing results in 100 days. Don’t do it unless you want spectacular results.
The strategies you’ll learn in the 100 Day Challenge have elected a president, grown non-profit causes, won gold medals and fueled movements. Now it’s your turn to win bigger faster!