Can you count on yourself?
To me…it’s one of the most important, defining, and revealing questions in the human condition.
I bring this up because in the end, you’re on your own.
Think about it…
If you can’t count on yourself to do the right thing…
If you can’t count on yourself to honor your commitments…
If you can’t count on yourself to face and overcome your fears…
Your life is going to be a long, hard, painful grind.
The truth is…
No one is responsible for you apart from yourself. For your happiness. For your sadness. For your boredom. For your anger. For your fear.
No one in this world is responsible for making your life better. Easier. More digestible.
It’s all on you. You’ve got no one but yourself.
Which is why I asked the question…
Can you count on yourself?
It does not require money, special talent, nor an advanced degree to be honest, on-time, dignified and dependable.
But counting on yourself does require self-awareness, self-sufficiency and self-reliance.
The biggest trend I have seen over the last few decades is the complete abandonment of self-reliance.
If you run the clock back just a generation or two…most people were self-sufficient and did things themselves.
I’m talking about oil changes, taxes, preserving food, cooking, changing a flat tire and even getting off the couch to switch the television channel to name just a few.
Today, we are a nation of people desperate for the government, a piece of technology, or some outside party to fix our problems and make our pain or inconvenience go away.
We’ve become a society of soft, wimpy, fearful, politically correct, entitlement driven, hyper-sensitive, immature and convenience-addicted weenies.
Here’s the thing…
Security, strength, self-confidence and prosperity comes from one place…and it’s the last place most want to look.
It comes from within…it comes from your ability to stand on your own two feet…it comes from your ability to produce results.
Every time you choose safety, security and dependence on outside parties…you weaken your personal power and make it that much easier for everyone to beat you.
You must be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.
If self-reliance means a strong belief in your own ability to achieve success and happiness through your own actions, then dependency is an absence of such belief.
Until you learn to count on yourself by taking full responsibility for yourself, your results, and your future… you’ll never fully know just how strong and capable you really are.
Self-reliance is a virtue in need of serious cultivation for one primary reason…it’s all about freedom from the control or influence of outside parties.
It’s a simple concept that encourages each one of us to take responsibility for our own needs — physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and economic.
To put it more directly, it’s an understanding that nobody owes you anything and that you have to do your own pushups.
Yet, even though self-reliance is a mandatory condition for success…
Why on earth is society filled with so many wimpy, excuse making, responsibility dodging, entitlement driven people looking for a handout?
The answer like many others can be found in both government and in the home.
Many programs throughout the world have been set up by well-meaning individuals and institutions to aid those who are in need.
However, many of these programs are designed with the shortsighted objective of “helping people,” as opposed to “helping people help themselves.”
By providing people with handouts and free money in the form of universal basic income (UBI)…by removing obstacles from their path…and by eliminating the need for labor and learning from their own mistakes, we are establishing bad precedent.
I’m talking about a bad precedent that’s virtually impossible to reverse as once people get a taste of something for nothing, they want, expect and will demand more of it.
Instead of promoting self-reliance…we are guilty of enabling weakness and encouraging people to become reliant upon others.
To bottom line this point…unnecessary dependence upon others is a false sense of security that only serves to make you weak, insecure and highly vulnerable.
It’s the ultimate act of self-betrayal as you’ll never learn to count on yourself when you are counting on others.
“It is folly for a man to pray to the gods for that which he has the power to obtain himself.“ — Epicurus
By shielding yourself from independence, from challenges, failure, unpleasant tasks and adversity…you are in effect, doing more harm than good.
That’s why your efforts must always be directed toward becoming self-reliant.
How do you learn to count on yourself?
How do you become self-reliant…how do you cut the cord of dependency, and take complete control of your life and your destiny?
The answer is…You Must Become Your Own Hero!
No one in history got wealthy from stimulus checks or welfare.
No one in history got healthy from eating junk food.
No one in history got successful from sitting on their ass binge watching Netflix and TikTok.
In the end, counting on yourself is all about choosing yourself, rescuing yourself and becoming your own hero.
The world needs strong, courageous, independent thinking people who want to use their creative ideas and unique talents to make a lasting difference.
The world needs leaders who can lead, leaders who set inspiring examples, leaders who demonstrate trust, and leaders who make things happen.
The world needs people with guts…people with passion and people who are willing to be shunned and rejected in the pursuit of their goals and dreams.
Most importantly…the world needs you…all of you…the brave you, the risk-taking you, the big thinking, highly capable and self-reliant you.
That’s why I’m calling you out right now…
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