Over there.
Someone is sitting in your chair.
There’s something familiar about this person.
They have an uncanny, striking resemblance to you.
Same height, same shoe size and same eye color.
But as you look closer, you notice subtle differences.
They are eating cleaner and look healthier…younger even.
They are exercising regularly and definitely training harder.
They are so much more focused…and driving bigger results.
They are following up and following through on all commitments.
They are taking initiative, moving faster and making things happen.
Say hello to the new and improved you.
Download How to Turn Your Resolutions Into Reality
The new and improved you knows the same things you know.
They’ve had the same successes and made the same mistakes.
They strive to live up to the same virtues and struggle with the same vices.
The new and improved you is not perfect…just a better version of who you were yesterday.
The difference between who you are now and the new and improved you begins with the choices you make.
The new and improved you decides that it’s far better to face a fear, to overcome it… than it is to run away from it.
The new and improved you decides that speed and initiative produces better results than procrastination and excuses.
The new and improved you decides that the suffering costs of failure are more expensive than the suffering costs of success.
The new and improved you knows, just as you know, that pursuing your dreams is scary, uncomfortable and challenging.
The new and improved you chooses to become their own hero, to go north and confidently move in the direction of their dreams.
The new and improved you knows that the thrill is in the chase, that happiness is motion…that you should pursue goals just beyond your reach.
The new and improved you knows that the only person they are in competition with is who they were yesterday.
And you know it too.
Crossing goals off your checklist and starting the year fast is a gift you give yourself. Nothing substitutes for building self-confidence and greater resolve than actually accomplishing something.
To enjoy these benefits and make this your best year ever…the goals on your list must be written as specific, measurable and deadline driven actions, not ambiguous objectives with no end date in sight.
So whereas writing “lose weight” is a recipe for failure, breaking that into “choose a diet program,” “establish measurements”, “create a detailed eating and exercise plan”, and “set deadlines” can jump start your efforts.
While even the best research can’t make modifying habits easy — sustained change takes time and effort — your chances of success increase markedly as you pick one goal, enlist help rather than announce your intentions, and get organized and hold yourself accountable by using this idea of making a list and checking it twice.
Here’s my promise to you…
My very best for a prosperous, joy-filled new year!
The 100 Day Challenge is a rapid execution system used by more than 675,000 high-achievers to achieve life-changing results in 100 days. Don’t do it unless you want spectacular results.
The strategies you’ll learn in the 100 Day Challenge have elected a president, grown non-profit causes, won gold medals and fueled movements. Now it’s your turn to win bigger faster!