“Have you ever noticed that everyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone driving faster is a maniac?”
George Carlin
“Why did the chicken cross the road?” is a common riddle joke…with the answer being “to get to the other side”.
This is an example of anti-humor, in that the curious setup of the joke leads the listener to expect a traditional punchline, but they are instead given a simple statement of fact.
In this message…I’m going to show you how to use a silly “to get to the other side” punchline as a set up to deliver a profound series of life-changing facts…
Let’s stop fowling around and get to it.
On the other side of fear is freedom.
On the other side of fat is muscle.
On the other side of debt is wealth.
On the other side of sadness is joy.
On the other side of defeat is victory.
On the other side of ordinary is extraordinary.
On the other side of war is peace.
On the other side of intentions are results.
On the other side of apathy is passion.
On the other side of resentment is forgiveness.
On the other side of comfort is adventure.
Bonus: Here’s a Great Way to Achieve Goals Fast!
On the other side of cowardice is courage.
On the other side of excuses is responsibility.
On the other side of deceit is integrity.
On the other side of vice is virtue.
On the other side of problems are opportunities.
On the other side of scarcity is abundance.
On the other side of mediocrity is greatness.
On the other side of arrogance is humility.
On the other side of a frown is a smile.
On the other side of boring is interesting.
On the other side of ignorance is knowledge.
On the other side of weakness is strength.
On the other side of complexity is simplicity.
And, on the other side of every no is a yes.
I hope that this message has inspired you to see things a bit differently, and to start doing different things.
I sincerely want you to you enjoy and experience what’s waiting for you on the other side…whatever that “other side” may mean to you.
Gary Ryan Blair is creator of the 100 Day Challenge…a radical approach to goal achievement that shows people how to accelerate their results, achieve 10X size goals and transform every area of their life and career — FAST.
Click here to take the free 5-part Achieve. Goals. Fast. email course!
Posted on July 9th, 2018 by Gary Ryan Blair
You're just 100 days from transforming your life... from crushing your goals... getting in great shape... becoming debt free... skyrocketing your sales and income and achieving ANY goal you want in record time.