Here’s a truth you can really sink your teeth into. There will never be a day in your life that will not provide you with the opportunity for you to step up, to demonstrate initiative, and to answer the call to greatness.
We live in a highly competitive world where people and companies are often competing for the same goal, and in many cases, competing with limited resources. If you think about it, each day of your life provides you with the opportunity for you to get better and to do better. But only, only, if you step up and answer the call.
The following is an exercise I like to call “if not you, then who?” It’s all about your ability to answer the call, to step up, and to go after what you want with boldness, conviction, and the inner confidence of a champion.
If not you, then who will be the sales leader of the year, because I assure you, somebody will be crowned the champion this year.
If not you, then who will pay off their debts and have peace of mind? I assure you that throughout the 100 Day Challenge, a number of people will be pursuing this goal, and they will achieve it… will you be one of them?
If not you, who will get that upcoming promotion because, as we all know, someone will.
If not you, then who will invest the time to read and nurture their child’s intellect?
If not you, who will consistently show up on time, fully prepared, and hungry for the opportunity? Because you know what? In every single case, the hungriest person wins… will it be you?
If not you, who will take care of their body and perform at peak efficiency?
And, if not you, who will enforce self-discipline and stay focused on their goals from beginning to end, to start each day fast and to finish each day strong.
See, you must understand that you’re not the only one out there dreaming of being, doing, and having more in life. Therefore, you must step up, you must answer the call, because if you don’t, I assure you, someone else will.
And, to learn how to create a massive sense of urgency in your life, and to that ensure you’re always prepared to answer the call each and every time…be sure to participate in the 100 Day Challenge
Posted on January 15th, 2017 by Gary Ryan Blair
You're just 100 days from transforming your life... from crushing your goals... getting in great shape... becoming debt free... skyrocketing your sales and income and achieving ANY goal you want in record time.