THERE WILL NEVER BE A DAY of your life that does not provide the opportunity for ongoing personal growth and development.
Each day provides numerous opportunities to display dedication, discipline, good judgment, energy, and the feeling that you can improve.
[socialpug_tweet tweet=”All personal growth and development is dependent upon you becoming a better person.” style=”2″]Personal growth and development is a lifelong pursuit because life is a work in progress. You never totally arrive; there’s always some polishing to do, knowledge to gain, and love to deepen.
Who can’t improve a little as a parent, child, spouse, friend, citizen, or employee?
No one is perfect; no one walks the straight and narrow line all the time. This means that the absence of perfection leaves the door open for ongoing personal growth and development.
Our fight is not external; it lays internally—mastery over self. The aim of personal growth and development is self-mastery.
If we are to dominate events and experience greater levels of performance, we must first dominate ourselves.
Let there be no doubt: as long as you continue to blame others instead of assuming your responsibilities, you will make no meaningful and enduring change for the better.
What kind of people are we, if we don’t have the character to own up to our own shortcomings and responsibilities?
To have and enjoy certain liberties requires us to hold each other and ourselves accountable for our actions.
Here’s a truth you can lean on: All personal growth and development is dependent upon you becoming a better person.
It’s a solo act, which requires contemplative thought, behavior modification, along with a healthy dose of humility.
Consider the following:
To enjoy a better life, you must first become a better person.
One well-executed idea—or one person who’s attracted to you because of what you’ve become can change your life forever.
So goal setting and this entire challenge should primarily focus on yourself—becoming the best person you can possibly become so people are attracted into your life.
That’s why you’re absolutely going to love the 100 Day Challenge as it’s all about ongoing personal growth and development.
Everything Counts!
Gary Ryan Blair
Posted on February 21st, 2017 by Gary Ryan Blair
You're just 100 days from transforming your life... from crushing your goals... getting in great shape... becoming debt free... skyrocketing your sales and income and achieving ANY goal you want in record time.