Answer the Call

by Gary Ryan Blair

You want a level playing field…one where you have just as good a shot at success as anyone else.

Here it is. Answer the Call.

That’s what the world is waiting for you to do—show up, rise and shine, answer the call.

It’s time—to get your ticket punched, make more of an impact, be happier, do great work.

Here’s how…

Think of a day, any day of your life.

Now ask yourself if on that day, if there was ever not a need for honesty, integrity, compassion, character, good judgment, discipline, self-control, focus and a commitment to excellence.

And the answer is, of course not.

There has never been, nor will there ever be a day of your life that will not require all of these success characteristics…which means success is a full time job.

Each day provides you with new and unique opportunities to display great courage, great commitment, great work ethic, great resiliency and great heart—if you only step up and answer the call.

The following is not simply meant to scratch an itch, or to further irritate an open wound…my intentions are far more deliberate and aggressive than that.

Consider this the kick in the ass you’ve been looking for…the wake up call of all wake up calls.

The fact is, we are all playing a high stakes game of one and done…and you have exactly one life in which to do everything you’ll ever do.

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The topic if not you, then who…is all about your ability to answer the call, to step up and go after what you want with boldness, conviction and the inner confidence of a champion.

We live in a highly competitive world, one where people and companies are often competing for the same goal. The winners execute…they choose to step up and answer the call.

A large part of your success in life has to do with your ability to show up and answer the call…to pounce on opportunity when it presents itself.

Consider how each of the following applies to you and your efforts…but remember, behavior never lies.

If not you, then who will be the sales leader for the year?

If not you, then who will pay off their debts and have peace of mind?

If not you, then who will reach out and mentor a younger person to succeed?

If not you, then who will get that upcoming promotion?

If not you, then who will write that next best selling book?

If not you, then who will come up with the creative idea that leads to a breakthrough?

If not you, then who will make a difference in the community where you live?

If not you, then who will invest the time to read and nurture their child’s intellect?

If not you, then who will do the right thing and set the right example?

If not you, then who will demonstrate a sense of urgency about getting results?

If not you, then who will consistently show up on time, fully prepared and hungry for the opportunity?

If not you, then who will enforce self-discipline and stay focused on their goals?

If not you, then who will take care of their body and perform at peak efficiency?

If not you, then who will go the extra mile for their clients?

If not you, then who will make their dreams come true?

You must understand that you’re not the only one out their dreaming of being, doing and having more in life.

That’s why you must develop the habit of stepping up and answering the call, because if you don’t, someone with more courage and confidence will.

You want a level playing field…one where you have just as good a shot at success as anyone else.

You already have it.

Answer the Call.

Everything Counts!

Gary Ryan Blair


Posted on May 15th, 2017 by Gary Ryan Blair

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